Can-DESyNe will operate distinctly from Genome Canada by administration through a newly created SynBio Centre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE). The CIE, National Engineering Biology Steering Committee, Genome Canada Enterprise and key Partners will define the governance necessary for transparent and fair decision-making for project selection and IP ownership.
National Engineering Biology Steering Committee ​​
President and CEO, Ontario Genomics (Chair)
President and CEO, BIOTECanada
Leader, Applied Science and Technology at Corteva Agriscience
Executive Director, New Harvest
Acting VP, Life Sciences, National Research Council
Professor, University of Toronto
Director, Centre for Applied Synthetic Biology, Concordia University
Canada Research Chair in Synthetic Biology and Human Health, University of Toronto
Professor of Surgery, McMaster University and Senior Canada Research Chair in Human Cancer Stem Cell Biology
Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, Global Institute for Food Security
Director, Michael Smith Laboratories, University of British Columbia
Vice-President, Policy and Public Affairs, Genome Canada
Banting Postdoctoral Fellow and Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Trainee, University of British Columbia
CSBERG Director of Leadership Development, cGEM Co-Founder and Co-Director
If you have a question please contact us at contact@candesyne.ca